That's how Mason says it anyway. You can tell my Dad is on vacation because he hounds me all day about not updating the blog. He gets upset when I post pictures on Facebook, because well Daddy doesn't do the FB. :) So here you go Daddy! We had a wonderful Christmas indeed! After some aircraft troubles, cancelations and delays, Dave made it home to Germany at lunchtime on Christmas! The kids have just been thrilled to have him home, poor Dave though is having to play catch up with the jet lag now. We are hoping to do some Euro-travel during our break, if the weather stays nice. We got a couple feet of snow the other day and seems to keep on coming. Santa knew that Daddy was going to be arriving late on Christmas so he scheduled his visit later on Christmas Day so Dave could be there, which I thought was very nice of him. I made a wonderful Christmas lunch/dinner that actually all tasted yummy! The kids were spoiled, like always, by both sets of Grandparents. Our house looks like a toy store disaster right now, but thats ok. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas Ery-body...
That's how Mason says it anyway. You can tell my Dad is on vacation because he hounds me all day about not updating the blog. He gets upset when I post pictures on Facebook, because well Daddy doesn't do the FB. :) So here you go Daddy! We had a wonderful Christmas indeed! After some aircraft troubles, cancelations and delays, Dave made it home to Germany at lunchtime on Christmas! The kids have just been thrilled to have him home, poor Dave though is having to play catch up with the jet lag now. We are hoping to do some Euro-travel during our break, if the weather stays nice. We got a couple feet of snow the other day and seems to keep on coming. Santa knew that Daddy was going to be arriving late on Christmas so he scheduled his visit later on Christmas Day so Dave could be there, which I thought was very nice of him. I made a wonderful Christmas lunch/dinner that actually all tasted yummy! The kids were spoiled, like always, by both sets of Grandparents. Our house looks like a toy store disaster right now, but thats ok. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
This is what happens...
When mommies have too much homework to do and aren't watching little boys like they should be....meanwhile, Emma watched him the whole time and never once told on him until she saw the prize inside the egg. Mason swiped a Kinderegg from fridge while I was in school mode. He did come tell me because if you know Mason, you know he doesn't like to be dirty at all! :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
You can disown me now...
I am horrible, I know that. I won't even give excuses about school work, Dave being gone, strep and pink eye, I promise. :) We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with some really great friends last week. I hope you all had a good Turkey Day as well! Christmas markets have consumed me here in Germany and I am trying to attend all the ones nearby to get a collectors beer/gluwein mug from them. Great goals I have in life! We have also started some new Christmas traditions that I wanted to share! We are doing the 25 books of Christmas, where the kids get to unwrap a book each night in December and we read it before bed! I also made a huge advent calendar with some help from my Momma! She sent me the boxes and uber cute scrap-booking paper for them! The kids were so excited to see little chocolates inside the box tonight! Advent is huge in Europe so we even made an advent wreath like the ones the kids light at school! Germany is amazing at Christmas, it really makes up for the homesickness! Miss and love you all!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
For you Daddy!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What are we loving?
Um box of milk, yes please! This keeps me from having to steal milk from the farmers in town...I kid! I love this! It was like 11 Euro, but SO worth not having to go to the store every other day. Especially since Sunday, the day of rest, really happens over here.
This is why I have to run miles through the corn fields...I am addicted. It's like milk chocolate with a milky creamy center...heaven.
My other addiction. This is mine and Mason's favorite drink. Sparkling water! He thinks its coke, works for me!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Give me a second....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
and the Halls are overseas once again....
Oh my goodness, what a whirlwind week we have had! First off, Hallo! We made the 9-hour flight from Dallas to Frankfurt on Monday and Dave made it just in time to pick us up! The kids did awesome and we really had no problems on our short flight, haha short compared to the Korea flight! Kid meals on planes are the coolest thing, I wish I got a kids meal! Emma and Mason lived it up with pudding, Twix, fruits, pizza, chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, juice, milk and of course bread. Bread is served with every meal in Germany even breakfast. I got a roll with my omelet! After our uneventful flight, we had to travel by train to the area where we lived. I remember looking out the window of our train car and telling Dave that I loved all the cute little German towns, he replied that is all that there are here, cute little German towns. Lol. The kids slept for most of the flight so they were adjusted to the time difference already, I on the other hand was not so I fought sleep most of the day. After arriving at our car (more on that later) we drove a short distance to our new home in Marktbergel. It’s a postcard type of village and I can’t wait to share it with you all! We had some running around to do and Dave tried to give me a tour of the countryside so I would stay awake, lol. We got to meet an old friend of ours and his family for dinner that first night and it was great to see them! All in all, we had a great first day in country! Our last few days have been spent in processing our family for medical, base privileges and whatnot. It has also been spent shopping. Why might you ask? Well reason 1, our stuff doesn’t arrive until next month so we still need some basic things like cleaning supplies, trash cans, hangars etc. Reason 2, it’s about 40 degrees cooler here than it was in Texas, so our poor children had no coats! Luckily we have located both the IKEA and H & M, two of my favorite stores and very reasonably priced! Onto my favorite part of this post, what I am loving about Germany: the candy! I hate gummy candy ask my family, but it is SO good here! Chocolate: um they have this stuff called Kinder chocolate with a milky inside, um it’s crack. Water: It is served as sparkling water here, you must specifically ask for tap water, how did they know I loved sparkling water??? Bakery: There is one in every town and the pretzels and rolls are to die for!! Norma and Aldi stores: I love this little grocery stores because they are CHEAP! You have to pay for your cart and must bag your stuff, but totally worth it, plus I bought a really nice white wine for 2 Euros yesterday! Ok things that I am still not sure of. Driving: We have to drive everywhere because we live in the country. There is no yellow dividing line, it’s white so I am already confused. Poop: We live in a town where people park their tractors in their driveways…. need I say more? Recycling: I am all for this but their system is a bit odd and it will take me a while to figure it out, needless to say I have to dig through my trash this weekend. Fashion: Do these people care what they look like? No, but that could be a good thing and a great piece of advice for us all! I still don’t get the purple hair and black socks though. So as you can see we are really enjoying it here and I promise to have more pics up soon, we are just swamped with things right now. Tomorrow I take my drivers exam, pray for me. Oh a funny story to leave you with. We had our pictures taken by a group of Japanese tourists…I wonder if they thought we were German or if they recognized Emma from all the pictures she took in Korea??? Love you all!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
About that time again...
I know, I have fallen behind on my mommy-blogger duties. If you know me, you know that it will probably happen again so I won't say I'm sorry yet again...haha. Our summer here in Texas has been a whirlwind of adventures. We've had visitors from South Carolina, we've driven West and South to visit family and even taken a plane ride. We have a few weeks left before we head to the land of schnitzel with noodles and crisp apple strudels, yes I love the Sound of Music. I'll just leave you to some pictures of our wonderful summer instead of boring you with words, :).