That's the 'aha' moment Dave and I had at the rink last night with Emma. For the most part of her last level, she skated like any new skater would, until she fell down. When we watched her last night I was just SO proud. She was gliding, switching her feet during her skate(big deal because last session she didn't want to lift her skates off the ice out of fear of falling), turning circles, jumping up and landing on her toe pick, all kinds of crazy things! I had explained to her before the class that this was a 'big girl' skating lesson and not a 'baby class' like her last one. Mainly because most kids don't return after the first session but Emma wanted to keep on keeping on. And she showed us why last night. Can you tell that I am a teensy bit proud of her? Don't get me wrong, she had her fair share of falls but I can definitely tell that she wants to be out there. Who falls with a smile on their face? Emma.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
She gets it!
That's the 'aha' moment Dave and I had at the rink last night with Emma. For the most part of her last level, she skated like any new skater would, until she fell down. When we watched her last night I was just SO proud. She was gliding, switching her feet during her skate(big deal because last session she didn't want to lift her skates off the ice out of fear of falling), turning circles, jumping up and landing on her toe pick, all kinds of crazy things! I had explained to her before the class that this was a 'big girl' skating lesson and not a 'baby class' like her last one. Mainly because most kids don't return after the first session but Emma wanted to keep on keeping on. And she showed us why last night. Can you tell that I am a teensy bit proud of her? Don't get me wrong, she had her fair share of falls but I can definitely tell that she wants to be out there. Who falls with a smile on their face? Emma.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I did it again, letting the blog go for a few weeks. Sorry! I'm in the middle of two very long research papers that I am finally seeing the light on and Emma's little schedule has been keeping me very very busy. As of right now she is having Soccer games on Mondays and Wednesdays and Skating on Tuesdays with extra practice times through the week if we can squeeze them in. Plus we have been busy with our appointments on post that clear us for living overseas, again. It's a pain but I know they just do it to make sure we receive the best care available, but its a chore with two little kids! I'm putting up some pics of Emma 'in action' at her games. She is quite aggressive and not standoffish like most of the kids on the field. She goes right for the mob of little kids with the ball and even gives an elbow or two, I blame that on her father. :) She has yet another game tonight so maybe I will try to get video up! It's hard to watch her and Mason at the same time when Dave is flying. Last week Mason was running laps on the track around the field, ummmm he's not my kid at all! Speaking of running, I convinced Aunt Chelsea to run a 5K this summer, I'm pushing for the 10K but no matter what it will be fun and just like the old days! Wonder if our dad will be there yelling at us to keep our form, open your stride, pick your head up! No doubt that mom will be there with snacks like she always was for us! Ewww, Chelsea do you remember when we used to eat those power bars?? gross, don't bring power bars mom. I'm thinking Emma should run in the 1K, get her started early. She does like to run, hahaha. Ok, I think I just babbled through an update on here so I wouldn't have to think about China or women in the workplace(research papers, boo). Hope everyone is doing well!!! Our time is coming to end soon in Colorado!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
One of these kids is not on the team...I'll give you 2 guesses. LOL! He really wanted to play though, he even ran out on the field a few times, oops. Dave reminded me of my dad a lot during the game, constantly cheering and coaching! It was really cute to watch. Emma did really well for her first game, she even dribbled the ball down the field, and then proceeded to kick it out of bounds. Oh well! The 'Burn' as their team is named, completely stomped on the other team but I don't think that any of the kids knew that! She seemed to really enjoy herself and was very proud that she didn't touch the ball with her hands, her Daddy has been working really hard with her on that one...hahaha.
Thanks Mom for making the Easter Bunny leave me a peacock....
Apparently, I am so good of a Mommy, all I have to do is tell the Easter Bunny what to do! Four year olds sure have a funny way of wording things! We had a wonderful Easter this year and the Easter Bunny did not disappoint! Emma had been 'longing' for this blue Webkinz peacock, it looks more like a flamingo though. I told her she had to wait so she basically gave up on asking for it. She was one happy girl when she saw her basket Sunday morning before church. Mason didn't get a big gift seeing as he raked in the goods on his birthday. He was still very happy with his basket, which had a Lightening McQueen car in it. The kids also had a HUGE Easter egg hunt at the airfield where Dave works. I say huge because we came home with bags full of eggs! Mason didn't understand the concept at first but once he saw all the kids picking up eggs, he caught on. Excuse the horrible family picture, I guess a lot can happen while waiting on a 10 second timer on your camera...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy Birthday to you....
Mason had his 2nd birthday party today!! I can't believe he is 2, well turning 2 since it's a bit early. We celebrated today because some really great friends of ours are moving to Texas this week and we couldn't imagine having a party without them! You will tell by the theme, that Mason is really into Buzz Lightyear and sometimes Woody. He got some great gifts but I think the best were a pair of Buzz wings! He is still wearing them around the house! Poor little man was so embarrassed by people singing to him, he had tears in his eyes!! He's just a shy guy!!! It was a great party and I'm pretty sure I have one happy little guy right now! Thanks to both sets of Grandparents for his gifts as well!!!
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