I'm having to update you all today because the kids and I, plus one super sitter, are heading to Ramstein AB this weekend for my very first Masters seminar. To say that I'm nervous is an understatement, but I am also very excited! Ramstein is home to the largest military exchange in Europe, probably the world...but I'm not sure. As much as I am excited to some very needed shopping at their PX and commissary, I don't know how much free time I will have! But I have researched the hours for each and determined that it can be worked out! haha! The kids and I also celebrated my birthday this week, I'm pretty sure I had food poisoning on my birthday, but it was still a wonderful day with them. The kids started back to the German school this week and boy did they miss it! Emma only goes until the 31st of August and then she is done, which is kind of sad since she loves this school! I think she is starting to get excited about the 'big' American school though and it doesn't start until September 6th!

I believe it is German tradition to make these 'school kid' cones for children that will be starting their first year of formal school(Kindergarten). Since Emma has been attending class with the German kids who will be attending the big German school next month, she was included in this cute tradition! Inside the cone, adults put candy, surprises and school supplies! So cute! Emma also made this cone in her class!!

Each student was able to pick out a 'theme' for their cone, of course Emma picked the fairy princess!

Emma with her wonderful teachers! I'm not sure there will be a dry eye on the last day of school for her! These ladies have been more than wonderful in helping incorporate Emma into the German kindergarten and exposing her to the language! Susanne, Sophia & Marianne

Mason's normal sleeping arrangement...I have to tell each one goodnight, give kisses, hugs and tuck them in...correctly. Mason will let me know if I the 'tucking in' wasn't up to par. :)

Mason with his two loves, Daddy and Bumblebee...life is complete for this little man, for right now at least...

The Daddy Dolls came in the mail this week and I was a bit worried about the reactions. Emma really misses Dave so I wasn't sure if it would make her more sad or upset, but she was very happy to see his face! I really had no clue how Mason would react, he still thinks that Daddy is going to walk in the door at the end of the day and that is hard for him to comprehend. He seemed pretty excited to play with Daddy and even more excited to see Daddy and Bumblebee play together! Boys!

Honey sent this great book that I had wanted for a while! It is a great tradition to start with the kids!

Who is going to be the cutest kid at school? This girl. Her backpack is amazing!!! I want it.
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